
Captain Ambition

his eyes…i felt evil

in his steel blue eyes

the light of a battery

charged by lost souls

taken with force


black hole for an aura

   hollow ambition

   driven out of control

   headlong into combat


not understanding

the true meanings of life


drunk on the blood

of victims of trust

he slashed and he slithered

like a shark on a frenzy

but opened his guard


his eyes…i studied his eyes

as he lay dying

from the flash of a sword

with no edge


he seemed to grow sober

as his deeds crossed the mirror

and in a hundred different voices

he pleaded for help

but none were his own


at last he turned quiet


and brittle

like the shell of a locust

that i just had to step on

and feel the cold crunch

Eastern Mediterranean Sea ‘88


US Copyright ©2009/2021
Jerry Browning