
Girl Next Door

little, freckle-faced girl
in the big floppy hat
why are you in my yard
go home, scat silly cat

you can’t throw a ball
no way I’ll play dolls
sorry, no girls allowed
in our tree fort

are you kidding me
tell me those ain’t
your mom’s spiky shoes
on your stinky ol’ feet

alright, guess I’ll play
there’s no one around
to see and make fun
no, I won’t push you down

house… oh man
you want me to be dad
“make me dinner woman”
oh geez, don’t look so sad

i’m sorry , I’m sorry… okay
we’ll play picnic instead
don’t pick those flowers
my folks will get mad

look how she moves
and her eyes are so cool
pretending to try
to take care of me

her mom calls her name
she runs a few steps away
comes back, smiles, and lays
a slobbery ol’ kiss on my cheek

YUK! there she goes
her dress sorta flows
and wow – don'tcha know
I feel kinda weird and tingly

                  Runnells, Iowa ‘10


US Copyright ©2009/2021
Jerry Browning